Monday, March 16, 2009

Breakfast for a crowd

The monthly all-team meeting is coming up for my area and it is my team's turn to "host" (meaning we bring the breakfast!) So, with a work-enforced reason to bake and using my new Publisher skills - I came up with a menu to get my team excited and involved.

First, I would bake everything myself if i was going to be selfish. I think that there are others on my team who might want the opportunity. There are some that would prefer to bring something, but not take the time to bake. Still others that would be happy to hand over some cash and be done with it. I'm hoping to have a few in all three categories but have planned it in a way that any combination will work for me. My only requirement is that I get to bake the caramel rolls! Doesn't this look like fun?

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