Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Carnie for a Day: working a 'Fry Bread' stand

Imagine standing in a 100 sq. ft tent from 11am to 10:30 pm frying, sugaring, and selling bread for $3 each. Sound fun? It sounded fun at 10:30 am that day... Really, this was quite the experience.

The "booth" was made by crafting a camping mesh tent, some 2x4's, some birch trees and a big black board for a sign. We hauled out a few tables, camping stoves, cast iron pots and a few coolers.

How to make Fry Bread
In the bakery - bread dough was made. Each 'loaf' was sectioned into 6 pieces and these discs were greased layered in parchment paper on big bakery trays. The bread discs were stretched and fried in vegetable oil for about 45 seconds each side. Once fried - they were drained (slightly) and covered in cinnamon and sugar. Some makers of Fry Bread will brush the fried dough with butter before sugaring - we didn't miss the butter.
note: This is always called "fry bread" not "fried bread" as most literate non-iron rangers would think. This is just one of many nuances of the northern Minnesotan vernacular.

My brother (on the left above), my husband, and I stood in the booth all day. H. fried the bread ALL day, brother T. sugared and plated, and I took the money - tried to sell cold press coffee - and monster bars. We made real cold press coffee by the way - and sold about 7 cups (compared to about 500 pieces of bread). All of the Monster Bars (big brownies and pnut butter rice krispy bars) sold by the end of the night. We ran out of sugar, paper plates, and napkins - good thing we had some 'runners' that were able to run to the store for us!

Next year - the price will probably go up to $4 each and we'll have bottled water to sell. I think my Mom is already making plans to attend other fairs in the future with the huge success of the inaugural Fry Bread Booth. We had a little training session at the end of the night so that when her free labor went back to the city - she could replicate our awesome process.

Next year - I think I'm staying at home for the 4th of July!!


Pearl said...

that is so cool! were you working at the county fair?

kat said...

I don't think I've had fry bread since I was up in Duluth, yummy

Shawn said...

Barb's Friend Bread is a permanent fixture at Iron Range events. I had some FRIED BREAD at Eveleth's 4th of July this year. I will see her at Ely's Blueberry Festival, and I expect her fried bread to continue to be worth the $4 I paid.

Tangled Noodle said...

Oooh! I've never had fry bread before. You mention prepping bread dough - can it be any kind of dough? I'm all for trying any form and variation of bread!!