9 days of vacation felt more like an early retirement. And guess what - we never got bored. I have to admit that I am refreshed and happy to get back into a nice productive routine - but wish it felt like summer in Minnesota already! After long days filled with knitting on the beach (me) or trying a new fish recipe (H.) - it is time to get back to reality and start baking again!
So - i have found some Spring-inspired goodies that are in the running for the next kitchen session. I'm keenly watching for new sources of inspiration - and keep finding more to add to the to-do list! What are you looking forward to making this spring? I'm looking for anything that will spread the sunshine and bring the temps above freezing!

from piday on Bakespace.com
Besides looking beautiful - I like that this recipe calls for farmer's cheese. My grandmother always had farmer's cheese as a 'side' for breakfast. I've never purchased it myself, but think that it would be fun to try.
2. To Bake: Braided Easter Egg Bread
from Rose's Recipes
You have to check this out - complete with the dyed easter eggs nestled in the bread. My mom made this a few times for the Easter table. I also saw the greek version when visiting Tarpon Springs, Florida. It's called Tsoureki - and had white hard cooked eggs nestled in both a braid loaf and a braid crown.
3. To Read: Rose Levy Beranbaum's master's thesis “Sifting Flour Affects the Quality of a Yellow Cake”. Check out her blog posting and find the thesis that you can download. I can't imagine a world in which I could study sifted flour and cake baking... sounds like utopia.
I thought you were joking about that thesis until I actually downloaded. Wow. Fascinating -- not so much the topic, but the person who would devote herself to the topic with such complete seriousness. Do you recommend the Bread Bible? I own the Cake Bible but have always found it a little daunting.
I've been told that a long winter is what makes Minnesota summers that much sweeter. What a crock. Give me summer NOW! 8-)
Looking forward to your upcoming baking projects!
Tipsy Baker - i have not tried the bread bible. However - i love how RLB writes out her recipes. Always includes the weight measurement - and always lists the ingredients in a grid. I LOVE that. I really love the bread baker's apprentice for bread.
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